Google Maps

Customizable Google Maps Everywhere!

Qualia includes 2 types of Google Maps shortcodes, full section width map and normal map. You can customize the minimum height of the map, set custom image for pin icon, define multiple pins, and set the initial zoom for the map. You can display maps anywhere, in a blog post, in a page, or even widget! Look at the left side, where we put a mini google map beside this paragraph.

Dynamic Map’s Height and Width

You can set your map’s height and width in pixel or percent. This gives you a full control to make your map in fixed size or fully responsive following its container. Look at the map below, which we set it in 80% width and 200px fixed height. 

Mutiple Pin

You can define multiple pins on the map. The map will be centered on the first pin you defined. All pin will be appears (with drop animation) sequentially. Nam sed eros lobortis, molestie diam ac, tempor odio. Maecenas cursus urna eu turpis porta dictum. Nulla vehicula blandit nibh, et vehicula enim adipiscing in. Vivamus non erat imperdiet, blandit dolor vitae, ullamcorper nisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras ut sapien ac enim pulvinar feugiat ac sit amet dolor.

Customizing Pin Icon

You can also define custom Pin icon for your map. Nam sed eros lobortis, molestie diam ac, tempor odio. Maecenas cursus urna eu turpis porta dictum. Nulla vehicula blandit nibh, et vehicula enim adipiscing in. Vivamus non erat imperdiet, blandit dolor vitae, ullamcorper nisi. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Ut aliquet, enim iaculis pulvinar eleifend, nulla nisi malesuada ipsum, vitae venenatis libero arcu in diam. Nam et pulvinar arcu. Aliquam egestas elementum libero pellentesque semper. Mauris quis fringilla lacus. Fusce quis nunc viverra, vehicula purus non, dapibus leo. Nam nec tempor elit. Vivamus imperdiet nibh iaculis, dictum magna ac, commodo metus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Curabitur ac orci ornare, tempor mi at, ultricies dui. Etiam vulputate condimentum quam vitae luctus. Donec scelerisque lectus tellus, eget adipiscing enim iaculis eget.

Full Width Google Maps

Full section width map should be placed while using page builder, since it fills the whole section width. Full section width map supports having a content which will be automatically displayed stylishly. You have a full control what’s in the content. You may fill the content with any information you wish. You can also use some the “typography” shortcodes, like headings, icons, etc.

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